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Worldwide Salon Marketing

Is YOUR Niche Market as Rich as This?

Is YOUR Niche Market as Rich as This?

The recent addition of a new puppy to the Milner household has once again highlighted for me the immense power of the riches to be found in niche markets. And it makes me wonder why so many business owners ignore this, and try to be all things to all people. For the...

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[NEW VIDEO] How to Advertise on Facebook

If you're not a geek, navigating the 'back-end' of Facebook's advertising portal is enough to have you tearing your own hair out. Worse, Facebook keeps changing things, just as you get used to it. And you can spend frustrating hours just trying to work out what the...

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What’s your Salon’s USP?

What’s your Salon’s USP?

I've written a lot, taught a lot, coached a lot on the subject of USP or Unique Selling Proposition. While most of our Worldwide Salon Marketing Members 'get' the reasoning behind all the Emotional Direct Response salon marketing ads, flyers, letters and other...

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