Makeup Masterclass Sydney

At Worldwide Salon Marketing we’re always looking for ways to add value…and we’re found an absolute beauty here – no pun intended.

We’ve been working for months behind the scenes with a Nationally Accredited RTO to bring you a great opportunity to build value into your salon.  That opportunity is to allow you to get on a Cert2 Nationally Accredited Makeup Course – SIBXFA201A – Design and apply make-up.

And it’s going to be happening in Australia in the Sydney CBD!

Makeup MasterClass Sydney This is the most amazing value for money Nationally Accredited Makeup Course in Australia today. (By clicking the link you will be put in a list of interested Salon Owners and receive more information from our partner, Makeup Masterclass Sydney Pty Ltd)

Note: There are only 87 spots available at this amazing price Of $799 – these courses are normally over $1,888!

You can pay a deposit to secure your seat and pay in full nearer the course date your choose.

There will be a cap on the amount of student places available.

Opportunities like this don’t come along all that often.

We believe this opportunity will help your salon by

  • Offering wedding makeup and hair
  • Add more value to your salon
  • Retain more clients in the future
  • Help increase salon profits
  • Rid yourself of expensive and unreliable freelancers

PS as always with our offers there is a 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!!!

Check It Out here