[VIDEO] How this salon sold $16,000 in retail products – in TWO DAYS…..

The pandemic lockdown has paralyzed thousands of salon business owners. Like deer in the headlights, many are frozen into inaction.

But for some, the threat to business survival has galvanized them into ACTION stations.

Like Lisa van Dyk of Gloss Beauty in New Zealand. Lisa is a long time Member of our Client Attraction System and digital marketing services.

With two days’ notice of New Zealand’s impending lockdown – one of the most severe ‘flatten the curve’ countries in the world – Lisa and her team pulled the trigger on a short but incredibly intense drive to sell as much retail product as they could in just 48 hours.

Want results like that for your business? 

Lisa and more than 5,000 other salon owners around the world have used Worldwide Salon Marketing’s done-for-you promotions and and digital marketing services to boost their businesses.

Now, to help salon owners affected by coronavirus, we’ve released our core program, the Client Attraction System, at a one-time-only price.

You can treat the lockdown one of two ways –

“Woe is me!” Or a chance to get some stuff done.  If you are “Woe is me” please leave this site.
If you are wanting to take huge action and make money,  the Client Attraction System is the place to start.  

The Client Attraction System contains a complete, 10-module online video streaming course, plus hundreds of downloadable, tested and proven promotions and graphics you can edit to suit your own business.

PLUS, we’re preparing a whole new suite of “The Coronavirus is Over” promotions to help you get your clients back into the salon, fast!

Got questions? Need help?

Book a private, one-on-one Zoom video Strategy Session with me – just choose your preferred day and time in my calendar.

(It’s free!)

I look forward to seeing you on the call… 

Founder & CEO, Worldwide Salon Marketing
Author of Rich Salon Owner and Simple Salon Marketing

Speaker 1 (00:00):

Hi, Greg Milner here, the salon marketing guy, the guy who makes salon phones ring even in these tough times, it is possible to make heaps of money. Imagine this selling retail, like it’s going out of style. Here’s exactly how Lisa van Dyke of Gloss Beauty in New Zealand did it, $16,000 in just two days. Would that help your cashflow? Here she is

Speaker 2 (00:22):

So we were having a financial year product retail sale which wasn’t supposed to have been actually launched, um, until after we were actually put into lockdown, but we brought it forward. Um, so we literally only had two days of trading as such, and it was you buy two products, you get a third product for $25, and we sold over $16,000 worth of product in those two days that were literally just retail days and purely for finding clients. Um, ones that were also coming in and only maybe buying one or two products, we told them, you know, if they get an extra one, they’re only paying $25 for it anyway. So yeah, and I would three, four plus products and he had just pint stocking up because they knew they weren’t going to be able to access for however long.

Speaker 1 (01:12):

So how did you reach out to clients?

Speaker 2 (01:15):

Hold them. Yep. Um, I think we had one email that went out and we maybe had one post that made it live on social media. Um, but it was purely through, we probably rang, I don’t know, a hundred plus clients. Um, yeah, just saying that’s what it was.

Speaker 1 (01:38):

And you did $16,000 in sales in two days from a hundred or so clients.

Speaker 2 (01:43):

So I think like if we possibly hadn’t had that before lockdown, we would be in a lot worse position. So just a little bit.

Speaker 1 (01:52):

So you can treat the lockdown in one of two ways. You can say, woe is me and sit on your hands and do nothing. Or you can take some massive action and make some money. If that’s what you want to do, then click on the link to the client attraction system below the video. And, uh, that gives you all the tools you need to actually turn this into a success. If you’re woe is me, then you’ve probably got no place watching this video. See you soon.


[VIDEO] Salon Marketing in Canada – how this salon doubled sales in 3 months

[VIDEO] Salon Marketing in Canada – how this salon doubled sales in 3 months

Listen to  Amber Ahmed, of Amber Esthetics Spa in Montreal, Canada. Amber joined Worldwide Salon Marketing’s Client Attraction System program and in the next three months her sales literally more than doubled as she rolled out the direct mail campaigns, in-salon promotions and online marketing systems.

Take a look as Amber talks about how she ramped up sales so dramatically – and takes us on a quick video tour of her newly-built spa in the heart of Montreal….


Breaking salon sales records – in the Australian Outback


Glenda (3rd from right) and her team at Hair Today in Alice Springs

Alice Springs, Northern Territory, in the ‘dead heart’ of Australia. Think jackeroos, cattle, red dust and elderly tourists towing caravans. Hardly an ideal location, you’d think, for a thriving hair & beauty salon.

But they’re bred tough in the Northern Territory. When Janet Chisholm and her business partner Glenda started their salon from scratch four years ago, they knew they’d need some powerful, consistent and proven marketing strategies. Janet joined WSM’s My Social Salon marketing program, including the Toolkit, a new website, hundreds of done-for-you templates and more.

“We’re smashing it,” said Janet today in a video interview recorded via Skype from her cattle station homestead two hours drive north of Alice Springs. “We’ve just had our biggest week ever, saw no fewer than 345 clients, all our debts are paid off, we’ve got money in the bank, it’s really great!”


hair today googleThere’s nothing magical or ‘lucky’ about the success of Janet & Glenda’s salon. They had energy, talent and drive, and the willingness to seek out the right tools, training and guidance. And they didn’t rely on just one form of marketing to achieve the stellar results they’ve enjoyed in less than four years. Janet knew that in a town like Alice, with so much transient, seasonal traffic, they’d need to dominate online searches to attract casual traffic passing through town.

So the website built for them as part of their My Social Salon membership has become absolutely crucial. It now ranks at the top of searches for ‘hair salon alice springs’ and brings them a steady flow of bookings. But they don’t merely rely on Google and Facebook for their business. Hard copy mail, radio advertising, in-salon promotions, street-front posters…it takes a LOT to make a salon as successful as Hair Today.

(And who says country town businesses can’t be successful? They don’t get any more remote than Alice Springs!)

Check out the My Social Salon program here. (The membership program is capped – the only way any new salons get into the program is when another Member sells their business.)

[VIDEO] How to sell salon memberships – for cash up-front!

Anita ClementsAsking clients for cash up-front puts the fear of god into many salon owners – but not for Anita Clements of Twisted Desire in Corinda, a suburb of Brisbane. Using marketing templates she simply downloaded from the Worldwide Salon Marketing Million Dollar Resources Library, and some guidance on how to use them, Anita planned and executed a Membership drive that netted $9,200 in up-front sales – in two days, from just a handful of her many hundreds of regular clients.

In this video, Anita explains exactly how she did it, and followed it up a day later with a VIP ‘Blonde Night’ that attracted 30 clients brought in another $3,000 in bookings and product sales. (It’s salon marketing like this that’s helped Anita get ‘off the tools’ and work on the business instead of in it.)

(Note to Worldwide Salon Marketing Members: go here to the Members Library to download the actual marketing pieces Anita used to achieve this excellent result.)

Not a member? Go here to find out how to get a 30-day money back guaranteed Test Drive of the entire marketing program ‘My Social Salon‘.


For when you WISH you could find somebody to do all that marketing for you….WSM launches new salon marketing ‘Superhero’

Eric - our new Salon Marketing Superhero

Eric – our new Salon Marketing Superhero

I’ve often been asked by salon owners if I could help them “find somebody who can do all my salon marketing for me.” Write all the advertising copy, arrange all the promotions, do all the blogging, social media, video production and editing, search engine optimization, website changes, reputation management and a hundred other highly-skilled tasks that go into a comprehensive marketing plan.

The bad news: there IS no such person on the planet with all the skills required. They just don’t exist. And if they did, they’d be so in-demand you couldn’t possibly afford to pay their salary. But there IS an option. It’s far cheaper than hiring a full-time marketing ‘guru’. And far, far more accomplished.

Meet Eric. He’s our new Salon Marketing Superhero. For established salons & spas who want ALL their marketing done for them – online and offline – Eric is the one who gets it done.

Only TEN salons will be accepted into the Superhero program. Check it out here.

“I bought a Jeep! – thanks to successful salon marketing.” [VIDEO]

Marnie Kallmeyer – WSM member 5 years – owner of Evoque Salon in Perth. “I bought a Jeep!”

Five years ago, Marnie Kallmeyer was broke. Her Perth beauty salon was struggling week to week, she’d lost her house, she was on the verge of nervous breakdown.

So I couldn’t help but smile this week when Marnie turned up at my office in her brand new $60,000 Jeep SUV. She’d picked it up that morning from the dealer. “I wanted to show you that you were right,” she said. “I can’t thank you enough for everything Worldwide Salon Marketing has taught me about marketing & the salon business.”

(And for those salon owners who watch this and think ‘she must be working 80 hours a week’, take note: two months ago, Marnie broke her hand, putting her completely out of work. In the next two months, her salon’s turnover & profit hit new record highs!)


If you own a salon or spa and you’re struggling, fed up with not making enough money for yourself, then isn’t it time you took action?

Click here to find out how you can join Marnie and hundreds of other salon owners as Members of Worldwide Salon Marketing