Thousands of salon owners are being told the pandemic will ruin their businesses. You don’t have to be one of them.
The coronavirus will end.
When it’s over, you’ll need tested,
proven salon marketing tools to get your business cranking again.
These tools give you the ammo you need.

I’ve been thinking about you, because I have a message that’s burning on my heart to share with you.
Something I’ve been able to use to transform my business …
Alongside hundreds of other salon and spa owners around the world.
So if you’re one of these business owners struggling to grow your business to the next level …
You might be doing ok, but know you have so much more room to grow …
Then this is the best present you could ever give yourself.

From Marnie Kallmeyer
Perth, WA, Australia
Here’s Why …
What if I were to tell you there is a way for you to finally crack the code and create the business you truly desire?
While removing the confusion and overwhelm you’ve been feeling…
I’m talking about a simple step-by-step approach to building your business with all the tools and support you need to ensure your success.
The same systems and processes I used to turn my ordinary little suburban salon into a booming, high 6 figure business.
Have I piqued your interest yet?
My name is Marnie Kallmeyer, and when I implemented these systems, I was finally able to build a business that transformed the life of my family and saved us from the brink of financial ruin.
But, It Didn’t Start Out This Way …
I totally get what it’s like to so desperately want a profitable, successful business, but constantly question yourself about whether you have what it takes to actually make it.
I wanted to provide for my family … To bring in the extra income we needed to live a life of freedom and choice.
I wanted to create experiences for hundreds of happy women who would walk out of my salon with their head held high, full of confidence and self esteem.
But this was far from my reality.
Maybe you’re far from that too right now…
Have you ever walked into your salon or spa and wondered … “why aren’t I more successful by now?”
“I’ve worked so hard for so long, I should have more money in the bank …”
“I thought I’d have more freedom and family time.”
“I thought I’d be a successful entrepreneur.”
If you’ve had any thoughts like these, you’re not alone.
I struggled for a long time with my business. We were barely scraping by making only $2000 a month. My marriage was in trouble and we were on the brink of losing the house!
Pretty ugly and stressful place to be right?
I was so overwhelmed … I felt lost …
I knew there were successful salons out there … ones I wanted to be like.
Salons who ran like a well oiled machine … clients coming back again and again and raving about them …
Busy … all the time
I thought, someone must know how to put systems into a salon and get clients regularly and reliably to make it successful.
A way to make customers feel really special and stay in touch with them to make SURE they keep coming back.
A system I can turn on like a tap when I need more clients, and turn back off if I can’t keep up.
I’m talking about …
A Systematized Step by Step Process
Completely Different to How I Was Operating My Salon
They had a different mindset and approached their business with a simple plan for each area of their business that was successful.
I didn’t know what things I should be focusing on, so I was running around like a crazy thing but not doing anything that would actually grow my business …. except worry and stress… urghhh!
I felt overwhelmed by the big things …. getting more clients … paying the bills … keeping the salon doors open.
I was just going backwards …
When I realized I couldn’t keep going like this, it finally forced me to look at something I had bought two years earlier.
It was a program from Worldwide Salon Marketing that showed me the systems I’d been longing for, to turn my business around.
I finally opened this up and as I started pouring through the pages, I started thinking differently. I was learning the new way of thinking I so desperately needed.
When I started implementing these things in the right order, my world started to change.
So I made a promise to myself, that no matter what, I was going to implement everything in this system because I owed it to myself … I owed it to my family.
The results started to show ….
From $2000 a month in revenue … to averaging $17,000 a week!
This meant I could take my family to live in Canada for two years so my son could attend a special private school….while the business ran almost on auto-pilot, until I sold it for a fat six-figure sum.
I am now back in Australia and running a new salon business, using the same strategies to keep my business at the level I need for my lifestyle of freedom and choice.
(I just love seeing ladies leave feeling beautiful after they’ve used my services. It’s a great feeling supporting other women.)
The reason I’m sharing this with you, is that I want you to experience the same freedom and fulfillment that comes with running a successful salon.
I want to help you skip that whole ‘trial and error’ … stressing and feeling exhausted … sleepless nights.
If you’ve read this far, I know you’re a salon owner who longs for more in their business.
You know where you are, and most likely where you’d love to be.
Do You Know How To Get There?
The truth is, there is a lot to learn …
Especially when it comes to marketing your business and providing outstanding customer service to keep those clients coming back.
Having the tools in your hands is the ONE THING missing that will turn your life around from struggle street to freedom … and I want you to have it at the best price we’ve ever offered it!
Sound good?
I followed the whole process as recommended – sending out a teaser email to advise everyone that it was coming up, then the full detail email three weeks out of launch. We put signs up around the business and flyers to hand to every client from the therapist, and the front desk with an explanation.
Our “Launch” day is 1st March 2019 – but realised BAS payment is due tomorrow (the 28th) so we started taking payments yesterday. For the promotion by the time we get the final payments in we will have bought in $20,000 as a first time release. Very happy with this.
What has blown us away is that we gave 4 member choices and the top two – where they pay $1500 & $1000 were the most popular.
We are now near the last week of November and we will literally TRIPLE our business by the end of the month.
The Right Action At The Right Time Makes All The Difference
Achieving success in your salon or spa business is A LOT easier when you have …
A clear plan … knowledge of what to focus on when … and
Step-by-step training and all of the support and resources to go with it.
Since you’re obviously an action taker, as you’ve read this far right now …
I’m pretty confident you are the type of salon owner who has resilience and a great get things done attitude, like me. 🙂
Because of that I’ve got a very special offer for you … could be the best present you ever buy yourself…
When I first invested in these marketing tools, it cost me more than $10,000 in the first year. (And even that was value for money, because of what they did for my business!)
But thanks to the digital economy, you can now get these exact same (actually, even better, more developed) tools, systems and templates for just…
$17 a month!
And there are no lock-in contracts. You can cancel at any time:-)
Pretty good deal right?
So what’s inside this amazing system you ask?
Let me show you …
Here’s what’s inside
Client Attraction System 2.0
- Online Training Course detailed below with 10 modules of business changing content
- Promotional templates, gift vouchers, letters and more with regular additions to the collection
- Social media images sized for Facebook and Instagram with new content added monthly
Plus get “push-button” access to hundreds of tested, proven promotions and downloadable resources in our members-only portal.

Here’s What You’ll Learn
To Grow Your Business
One module is released every seven days from when you join to give you the time to take action on each new training as you work through to help ensure your success.
We want you to be taking action, not just learning.
Module 1
It can be confusing, but incredibly powerful when you get it right!
Find out how some of the world’s most successful salons & spas are using Instagram for profit.
Done For Your Instagram Resources
Module 2
You look at your appointments and Yikes! Empty slots everywhere.
Done For Your SMS Resources
Module 3
Facebook can be a brilliant publishing platform for business – but don’t spend another dollar on it till you complete this module.
Done For Your Facebook Resources
Module 4
If you’re getting two, three or more no-shows a week, it could be costing you thousands of dollars a year. In this module, find the process that I and many other salon owners use to reduce no-shows to zero..
Done For Your Facebook Resources
Module 5
Right now, people on their smart phones are searching for products and services near you. Here’s how to get in front of all those eyeballs.
Done For You Local Listing Resources
Module 6
If your salon’s website isn’t bringing you a steady stream of new appointments, sales and inquiries, here’s why…and the simple ways to boost it, fast.
In this module, Rich Salon Owner author Greg Milner walks you through what matters, and what doesn’t.
Done For You Website Resources
Module 7
Every salon owner gets it – those last-minute cancellations that leave you or your staff in limbo.
Done For You Cancellation Filling Resources
Module 8
Every hair or beauty business has a long list of clients you haven’t seen for months.
Done For You Client Re-Engaging Resources
Module 9
You only get one chance to make a lasting impression. This module teaches the start of the process.
Done For You Welcome Pack Resources
Module 10
Need a sudden rush of cash? Here’s how to market and sell Membership Packages!
Done For You Membership Pack Resources
Get Started Now
At the best price ever offered…and no lock-in contracts.
CAS 2.0 Lite
Training and Templates- 10-Module Training Course
- New Promotional & Marketing Templates each Month
- Social Media Images – new each month
- Case Studies
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Bonuses
CAS 2.0 Standard
Most Popular- 10-Module Training Course
- New Promotional & Marketing Templates each Month
- Social Media Images – new each month
- Case Studies
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Bonuses
- Submit a Question Page
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Technical Support – help editing templates, advice and support for website and Google Business Listing issues, guidance for Facebook and Google advertising
CAS 2.0 Premium
Best Support Package- 10-Module Training Course
- New Promotional & Marketing Templates each Month
- Social Media Images – new each month
- Case Studies
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Bonuses
- Submit a Question Page
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Technical Support – help editing templates, advice and support for website and Google Business Listing issues, guidance for Facebook and Google advertising
- Comprehensive Website & Google My Business search engine optimization to boost your online presence and get more inquiries, bookings and sales.
- Monthly Live 1 on 1 Strategy & Coaching Session with Worldwide Salon Marketing founder & Rich Salon Owner author Greg Milner

Enroll Now and Get These Extra Bonuses, FREE!
Simple Salon Marketing
This is the perfect companion to the Client Attraction Course 2.0, written in Plain English by Rich Salon Owner author and Worldwide Salon Marketing founder Greg Milner.
(Value $147USD) Included with your Client Attraction System 2.0 membership.

Is your Facebook business page set up properly?
Our social media specialist Sam Buckley takes her magnifying glass to your salon’s Facebook page for this audit and report, giving you detailed tips and strategies to make sure it’s set up perfectly to portray your business image and get more fans asking your for appointments.
(Value $197USD) Included with your Client Attraction System 2.0 membership.

Get Started Now
At the best price ever offered…and no lock-in contracts.
CAS 2.0 Lite
Training and Templates- 10-Module Training Course
- New Promotional & Marketing Templates each Month
- Social Media Images – new each month
- Case Studies
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Bonuses
CAS 2.0 Standard
Most Popular- 10-Module Training Course
- New Promotional & Marketing Templates each Month
- Social Media Images – new each month
- Case Studies
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Bonuses
- Submit a Question Page
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Technical Support – help editing templates, advice and support for website and Google Business Listing issues, guidance for Facebook and Google advertising
CAS 2.0 Premium
Best Support Package- 10-Module Training Course
- New Promotional & Marketing Templates each Month
- Social Media Images – new each month
- Case Studies
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Bonuses
- Submit a Question Page
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Technical Support – help editing templates, advice and support for website and Google Business Listing issues, guidance for Facebook and Google advertising
- Comprehensive Website & Google My Business search engine optimization to boost your online presence and get more inquiries, bookings and sales.
- Monthly Live 1 on 1 Strategy & Coaching Session with Worldwide Salon Marketing founder & Rich Salon Owner author Greg Milner

Here’s what happens the instant you enroll:
Why Am I Doing This?
Well, the first reason is that it’s my passion.
I love to see other salon and spa owners turn their passion into something that can give them freedom and choice in their life and business just like I have.
To be able to play a big part in helping another human achieve their dreams lights me up.
The other reason, is that this is how I attract my dream clients.
I just love working with passionate action takers built with resilience and determined to make their dream come true no matter what.
I also want to give you total piece of mind when considering making this purchase.
AND You’re Protected With Our
100% Risk-Free Guarantee
This program has the power to profoundly change your life. I don’t just think so. This is based on real life results from myself and other members who’ve stayed with us and taken action.
I’m confident that if you put in the work as you learn, you’ll get tremendous value and see things really change.
I was skeptical at first. I had the tools in my hands for over 9 months before I hit desperation point and started taking action. Don’t make the same mistake I did and not take action straight away.

Test drive the first 4 modules of the Client Attraction System 2.0 for 30 days. Enjoy the bonuses and templates included in the portal. Any time up to 30 days, if you don’t feel we’ve delivered the value, just email me, show us your completed coursework and we’ll issue you with a full refund of your first month.
The reason we ask for your completed coursework is simple. We only want to work with people who are fully committed to taking consistent action. We devote tremendous time, energy and care to our students, so it’s vital that you’re as dedicated to this experience as we are to you.
This is Not For Everyone …
This is not for you if you are looking for a quick fix … although you can make some big cash in as little as a few weeks.
This is not for you if you are not prepared to do what it takes, put in the work and implement each module as you learn it.
Too many people buy courses and don’t do anything with them … I was one of them … Glad I wised up!
So if you’re still reading this and are still excited to learn and do … I can’t wait to meet you inside the program.
What Other Salon Owners Are Saying.
The beauty and cosmetics aesthetics industry is a fast-paces and constantly evolving industry with increasingly aggressive competitors vying for our clients. If you don’t have trustworthy IT and Marketing specialists, you won’t survive … Try them today … YOU CANNOT GO WRONG!
Get Started Now
At the best price ever offered…and no lock-in contracts.
CAS 2.0 Lite
Training and Templates- 10-Module Training Course
- New Promotional & Marketing Templates each Month
- Social Media Images – new each month
- Case Studies
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Bonuses
CAS 2.0 Standard
Most Popular- 10-Module Training Course
- New Promotional & Marketing Templates each Month
- Social Media Images – new each month
- Case Studies
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Bonuses
- Submit a Question Page
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Technical Support – help editing templates, advice and support for website and Google Business Listing issues, guidance for Facebook and Google advertising
CAS 2.0 Premium
Best Support Package- 10-Module Training Course
- New Promotional & Marketing Templates each Month
- Social Media Images – new each month
- Case Studies
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Bonuses
- Submit a Question Page
- Facebook Members Support Group
- Technical Support – help editing templates, advice and support for website and Google Business Listing issues, guidance for Facebook and Google advertising
- Comprehensive Website & Google My Business search engine optimization to boost your online presence and get more inquiries, bookings and sales.
- Monthly Live 1 on 1 Strategy & Coaching Session with Worldwide Salon Marketing founder & Rich Salon Owner author Greg Milner

Need Help or Have Questions?
We’re more than happy to answer any question you might have
and help you make the wisest choice for you.
Email us
Phone us
Your results may not be the same as mine, or any other Member of the program. Your results will be based on many variables, such as your level of effort, business acumen, personal qualities, skills and a host of other factors. We can’t guarantee your success, your income, nor can we be responsible for your success or failure. The Client Attraction System is not a “get rich quick” scheme. It takes a lot of effort, dedication and most of all, action. Imperfect action, but action all the same.
PS: Any questions? Please call us. We’re old fashioned. We like phone calls.
23 Gibson Dr, Dunsborough WA 6281
Phone: 08 9443 9327
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