Nina MurrayNina Murray joins us from the little lakeside town of Moses Lake in Washington State, about a three hour drive east of Seattle.
“I graduated from Massage school, top of my class, in 2009 and started my business, Knot Release Therapies (, as soon as I had my license in my hot little hand. I worked by myself for a couple of years, until my oldest son was 14 then I had him working as my receptionist. Two years ago I hired my first employee.

“I had worked with a business coach for a couple of years. I’m always on the lookout for the best way to market my business. That is when I found your book (The Big Salon Marketing Blunders and How to Avoid Them) and really enjoyed what I was learning from it because it was so different from what I had been told or even from what I was used to when I worked in marketing,” says Nina.

So why did you join Worldwide Salon Marketing?

“I try to be cautious when it comes to doing marketing online, so I did a lot of research to make sure that your company was real. I liked what I heard and read, so I thought I would give it a try.”

“I’ve learned that emotional marketing really works! I didn’t realize how powerful it is. Thursday I decided to try the massage template. When I called my receptionist, and told her the deal we were going to do, she got all excited and said that is such a good deal…even though all I had done was raise my price by $20 and put a value on all the included things that we already do!

“We sold $300 the first day. I have one client who is going to let me know tomorrow how many of the packages she wants for stocking stuffers!”

Nina signed up for the Salon Accelerator program here.