This Beauty Salon Business Plan Template Has Customers Queuing Up….
Susan Anderson of Lillian Mack Skin Clinic in Moranbah, Queensland has been pinching herself over how her salon business has been transformed.
Logging into the Members Only ‘sealed section’, Susan downloaded a special Gift Voucher offer many of our Inner Circle members had been running successfully in the lead-up to Christmas, and advertised it in the local newspaper last week.
She was almost knocked over in the rush…
“I had queues outside my door for the first two hours and then the rest of the day was solidly constant, I did not move from my front counter all day, even had one of the local coffee shop ladies bringing me coffee for free!! …and congratulating me on such a fantastic idea, we were the talk of the town!!
They have been on sale for 4 days and we’ve sold $24,980 worth of Gift Vouchers, and seen lots of new faces come into the salon so will have gained quite a few new clients…I am over the moon.”