Having a great looking website is one thing, Getting traffic to it is quite another.

In Hobart, Escape Skin & Body owner Effie Tsoplouos was delighted with the brand new website our team at Worldwide Salon Marketing had designed and built, with constant input from Effie herself.

Now, she wanted to get her clients to start noticing it, browsing through it, looking at all her products and services – and spending money!

So Effie came up with a unique promotion, her “Elf on a Shelf” competition.

Elf on a Shelf salon promotionElf on the Shelf is a Christmas tradition where a special scout is sent to your home from the North Pole to encourage kids to behave themselves. The idea is that Santa’s little helper watches the children by day, and each night, he or she returns to the North Pole to report on whether the children were naughty or nice.

On one of the 62 pages on her website, we placed a tiny image of the Elf on a Shelf. 

Effie recorded a video and posted it on Escape’s Facebook page: 


Within a couple of days, more than 60 people had crawled over every page of her website, looking for that tiny Elf.

Many found it, and filled in the form after clicking on the tiny Elf. 

Even the draw was recorded on video and posted on Facebook: 

So, why would you do something like this? 

1) It creates a buzz of engagement and activity on social media

2) It gave the salon more than 60 new names and email addresses they might not already have. (Not everybody on your Facebook page is already a client, right?) 

3) It gave the new website an immediate ‘traffic hit’ – and that tells Google the website is popular and visited by people who stay there – in this case, a long time, given they had to trawl through many pages to find the little elf. 

4) And of course, that helps the ranking on Google searches – which, as we all know, is absolutely essential. Getting potential new clients finding you at the very top of Google searches dramatically increases your chances of converting them into customers. 

Feel your website could do with some love and attention? 

Click the link below and get a FREE, comprehensive Website Health Check and Report – and we’ll email it to you within 48 hours. 

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