In the first episode of the Rich Salon Owner Podcast, Josh Kallmeyer breaks down the 7 reasons why your business is failing.

If your business is shrinking, and if you’re struggling to make ends meet, then this is a must listen.

Download your free ebook over at for the best place to start turning your failing business around.

Enjoy the show!

Show Notes:

Reason #1: You don’t smile. People trust easier when you smile.

Reason #2: Your products or services suck. Don’t sell anything that people won’t gain value from.

Reason #3: You’re not confident in selling/talking about your business.

Reason #4: People don’t like you. Are you offending people? Are you too abrasive?

Reason #5: You’re not doing enough. Do more. 10X your work, and you’ll get 10X the results.

Reason #6: You lack the systems or processes in place to turn your clients into repeat clients.

Reason #7: You’re in need of a change. You’re tired.