Salon Marketing Plan Strategy: Getting Your Clients to Pay ONE YEAR Up Front…

Need cash in a HURRY? When I’ve needed cash in a hurry, I’ve always found that the best way to get it is…drum roll…. ask your customers for it.

That’s exactly what Inner Circle member Nikki Gilbert (left) of Creations Beauty Studio, just outside Canberra, did recently.

“How I Brought in $12,000 …. in ONE Week, from just SEVEN Clients”

(No wonder she’s smiling!) What Nikki did was create a terrific value-added offer as a marketing plan for her salon, based on the techniques in her Toolkit. (In Nikki’s case, $4,572 worth of facials, microdermabrasion, waxing and massages over 12 months, for just $1,794.)

She took a carefully hand-written two-page letter template from the kit (Inner Circle members see below), written on yellow legal pad…and re-wrote it in her own hand. Then she printed a bunch of them, and sent this two-page letter to just 15 of her  clients.


“I had seven clients take up the offer, for a total of $12,558. I am delighted!” says Nikki.


The exact letter that Nikki used is now available in the Members Only ‘Sealed Section’. Login and click on the category ‘marketing to existing clients’

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