Salon Service Menu Template: Here’s the difference between most salon owners – and this guy…

Sean and Yvette Hayes of Access to Beauty in New South Wales…a 41% increase in business
Most salon owners will automatically reply
‘oh, I’m a hair stylist,’ or ‘I’m a beauty therapist/cosmetologist/nail technician’, blah blah blah.
And if that’s how you think, then that’s about the highest level you’ll ever reach. A mere technician.
Inner Circle member Sean Hayes (two years membership) is one who thinks the opposite. In a previous life, Sean was a carpenter – and no doubt that’s exactly how he responded when he got asked ‘the barbecue question’.
Not any more. Twelve months ago, Sean quit his carpentry job and threw himself into the real job of a business owner – as marketer of his wife Yvette’s Access to Beauty salon in Coogee, New South Wales.
Sean emailed me today, and you can tell from the words on the page he’s grinning from ear to ear:
Hi Greg,
Sean here from Access to Beauty, you may remember me writing to you a while ago after jacking in my job as a carpenter and becoming a full time marketer of Access to Beauty?Well a full year has passed since that life changing event and I have just being looking over the numbers and they’re pretty fecking good!!
For the year May 2008 till April 2009 the salon did $ 301,951
Then for this last year (that Yvette went back into the salon and I concentrated on the marketing) May 2009 till Apr 2010 the salon did $425,560.
To say we were shocked is a understatement!
So you don’t have to work it out it’s $123,609 or about 41% improvement.But the best gain has been the month of May 2010; May 2008 was $23,471, May 2009 was $34,177 and May 2010 was $46,037.
So it took us a little bit longer to double (nearly) our income for the month ( as you say you expect us to do) but for the fact it has rained almost all of May we would have got there.
So I just wanted to share with you guys our good news and again a big rap for you and all your team.The saying “when the pupil is ready the teacher will appear “ sounds appropriate. Bring on the next 12 months! Keep up the good work.
SeanPS Yvette and I have just come back from Beautyworld Expo in Dubai and they could do with some of your type of marketing over there!