3 Ways to Keep Your Salon Sales Up with “Pandemic Proofing” Against Covid-19

3 Ways to Keep Your Salon Sales Up with “Pandemic Proofing” Against Covid-19

Do you feel the lockdown is a disaster, or…an opportunity

Greg Milner, Founder, Worldwide Salon MarketingGet a FREE 30-minute “Massive Action” strategy session with WSM’s founder & CEO Greg Milner and find out how YOU can take advantage of the downtime to keep the cash register ticking over. 

AND be ready to hit the ground running when the crisis is over. 

Hit the button below now and choose your day and time for a free strategy session with Greg. 

Thousands of salons all over the world have been forced to shut their doors due to coronavirus.

Many owners are frozen in fear.

But the crisis WILL end.

And there ARE actions you can take to prepare yourself for when the lockdown is over – when you can open your doors again.

The salon owners who are using the down-time to fine-tune their marketing and online assets are going to be in the best position to hit the ground running.

As soon as long-time Worldwide Salon Marketing member Effie Tsopolous was told to shut down her big Hobart skin care centre, she was on the phone to us.

“Help!” she said. “I need to make changes FAST to our website and Facebook pages so we can at least sell retail products, gift vouchers, and promote skin consultations by Zoom video.”

So our team of developers went to work. First, a major update to Effie’s home page: 

(Click on image to go to Escape’s home page)

Then, designing a new page and uploading a raft of images of the products she wanted to sell online:

(Click on image to go to Escape’s online shop)

Next, an overhaul of Effie’s Facebook page, with a new cover photo, and tweaking the page to allow for online booking of free skin consultations:

(Click on image to go to Escape’s Facebook page)

seo-salons-and-spas-australia“Being quick to make these changes and updates is already having an effect,” says Effie. “We’re getting sales online, and we haven’t even started making phone calls to clients or emailing them with links to the site.” 


Here’s another example of a salon taking “Massive Action” to keep the cash register ticking over during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Karen Skewes is an award-winning owner of Le Beau Day Spa in Perth. This morning, she sent out this carefully-worded email: 

Do you feel the lockdown is a disaster, or…an opportunity

Greg Milner, Founder, Worldwide Salon MarketingGet a FREE 30-minute “Massive Action” strategy session with WSM’s founder & CEO Greg Milner and find out how YOU can take advantage of the downtime to keep the cash register ticking over. 

AND be ready to hit the ground running when the crisis is over. 

Hit the button below now and choose your day and time for a free strategy session with Greg. 

[VIDEO] How we can BEAT coronavirus in as little as FOUR WEEKS

There IS hope and a voice of reason amid the global anguish over coronavirus.

Dr Norman Swan is ABC Australia’s highly regarded health specialist, a qualified doctor and long-time braodcaster. 

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Coronavirus and Your Salon: Free Info Messages You Can Download to Inform Your Clients

Scroll down for the download links

This is a free resource for all in the hair, beauty and wellness industry who fear for the effect coronavirus may have on your business. 

We’ve designed these info messages to help you communicate with your clients and prospects just how seriously you take this health crisis – and what you’re doing about it, to protect them AND you and your team members.

You’ll find below the following assets you can download and use as you see fit:

1) A single-page Word document you can edit (to suit your own circumstances) and turn into a poster. You can post this in your shop window, on the mirrors in front of your chairs, in your treatment rooms, at reception etc.

2) a longer document you can use as content for an email to your mailing list (again, editable to suit your own circumstances.) You can also use this to create a dedicated page on your website, and direct your clients to this page via email and/or text message.

3) A short video you can download and post into your social media channels – your Facebook page, your Instagram feed, into your YouTube channel (and once in YouTube, you can embed the video into your website).

4) an information document for your team members.

NOTE TO Worldwide Salon Marketing member salons: for those members whose websites we host and manage, we will complete this uploading to YouTube and website embedding for you, if you wish. Please advise us if you would like this done for you.


Click here to download a suggested text message to clients.

Download the free Coronavirus video here.

(You can then upload it to Facebook, Instagram, Youtube etc) 

Click here to download an email to clients. 

Click here to download a poster. 

You can upsize this, use it on your window, at reception, at your workstations etc

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