NZ Success Story: Find Out What Happened When The Local Paper Accidentally Deleted The Phone Number from Lynette Adams’ Mothers Day Ad!

There are some really crucial elements to any successful salon marketing ad or flyer, an attention grabbing headline, a strong offer, guarantee, use of scarcity and of course a call to action.

So when Lynette Adams of Glory Salon in Thames, Coromandel recently put together a Mothers Day campaign using a Worldwide Salon Marketing template, to run in her local paper using all the above marketing elements, she was excited about what results she would achieve.

But her excitement soon turned to anguish when the paper arrived in her letterbox only for her salon PHONE NUMBER to be missing of her ad.  She checked the original and the phone number was there, but the paper had accidentally deleted it when converting the file to a PDF.  The call to action was completely gone.

Now you’d expect the salon phone to be quiet as a mouse.  Instead, what happened completely amazed and amused Lynette.  Here’s what she emailed to me…

“I have sold 19 of the ‘out of order’ Mothers Day packages already!!! + when I saw the ad they had left off my contact details (somehow they had got deleted from bottom when converted to pdf) so they are going to run it again this week for free! Kinda cool that still got response from people without the number as they would have had to look it up.”

You see, what happened here was that the other parts of Lynette’s ad where so strong and enticing that people actually took the time to find her salon’s number in the phone book or on the net and call her to book.  Her customers simply didn’t want to miss out on what was on offer.  That’s pretty amazing and goes to show how incredibly effective and powerful the Worldwide Salon Marketing templates are, even when they are not used 100% right!!!

And there was one other thing that really made her ad stand out.  She got the paper to print the ad upside down.  Yes that’s right, upside down…except that bit was done on purpose.

WSM members can view the ad used by Lynette in the members website by clicking here now

Now I am not saying you should all leave your phone number off your ads from now on, but just imagine what would have happened if the phone number was on the ad!!! It will certainly be interesting to see how Lynette’s follow up ad goes with the phone number on it.

And Lynette went on to tell us how she had done in the last 12 months since joining Worldwide Salon Marketing…

“So happy just looked at figures up $4000 on last March!!! + I started WWSM end March last year so from 1 April to 31 March this year increased my turnover by 50% AMAZING!!! Sold $5000 more in vouchers as well =) Thanks so much for all your help really appreciate it! Lynette x”

Keep up the great work Lynette!  And make sure the paper send you a proof next time!

If you want to achieve results like Lynette then call me now on ** *** **** (haha, just kiddin 09 476 1592) or email me – or if you prefer you can click here to fill out a contact form and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours.


Happy Marketing

Chris D’Aguiar-Sanders

09 476 1592

0800 029 668

How this NZ Salon Tripled Sales

Most of us have had that horrible experience with a Yellow Pages or advertising sales rep in the past where they think they know best as to how your ad should look, we’ve gone with what they’ve said thinking that they are the experts, only to be left with an incredibly ineffective advert that looks ‘pretty’ but generates no phone calls and a large invoice!

Chloe Wilson of Unique Beauty, Timaru NZ

Well for Chloe Wilson of Unique Beauty in Timaru, New Zealand the days of trusting ad reps are long gone! She now trusts in one thing…her own opinion of how an effective advert should be constructed.

Since then she has been going guns blazing and has in fact tripled her salons turnover since joining Worldwide Salon Marketing around 8 months ago.

Here is what Chloe had to say….

“When I opened up my beauty salon in April 2011, it was very slow at the start, I spent over 6,000 on advertising that wasn’t working, in August I found WSM on the internet and started up with a 1500 leaflet drop to the surrounding area to the salon. I had 15 people book in from it and more from there just it just flowed.

After having a few phone calls with Toni, I let her know how scared I was about putting this advert in the yellow pages – she reassured me it would work, so I stuck with it. The advert cost me $2000 and doesn’t just look like an expensive business card anymore.

When the YP came out in October I had 3 phone calls on the day of it coming out and about 20 the next week following. I still get phone calls every week for the deal in advert and just people getting other treatments.

Since November I’ve only had 3 quiet weeks and I’ve had fully booked weeks, working 3 late nights a week and I’ve tripled my income a week from $500 a week to 2,000-3,000 weekly. I have also 10 weddings this year as well which has brought me more people to the salon and 3 booked in for the end of the year (friends from brides has make-up done with me).”

For Inner Circle Members I have made the actual Yellow Pages ad used by Chloe available on the members website for you to see.

You can click here to view the Yellow pages ad in the members only website

Thanks for sharing your success with us Chloe.  I’m sure you’ll have inspired many salon owners to give their ad rep a good old kick in the backside the next time they try and tell them they know best!


Keep up the great work!

Chris Sanders, Director Worldwide Salon Marketing NZ

Isn’t it time you started making some real money in your salon and doing marketing that actually gets results just like Chloe got? If you are ready to take the next step in your business then click here NOW to find out more!

Hidden Gems of The Members-Only Website!

STOP PRESS: We’ve just opened the NEW Salon Advertising Templates Webstore here!

If you are a Worldwide Salon Marketing Inner Circle member you will know what an amazing marketing tool and integral part of the program the members only website is.  Many members tell me how they often spend hours browsing around all the different templates and marketing ideas and solutions.

And each and every year the website grows as more material is added and the archive gets bigger.  In fact there is over 6 years worth of archived material on the website now.  It’s easy for some of the older archives to be lost in depths of the website.

And it’s safe to say that if you were to employ a design firm or an ad agency to create the material on the members website and give you multiple options for designs, template sizes and concepts, you would be looking at spending into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.  On the other side of the coin, if you were to try and design all this material yourself, well firstly you’d probably need a degree in copy writing, graphic design and a heck of a lot of time on your hands!!!

So, in this new feature I intend to delve deep into the archives, blow the dust and cob webs away and unearth some of the hidden gems that perhaps you have never come across before.

In this first feature I am going to look at a clever little flyer that was actually created by a Pizza Shop.

This was actually one of the very first promotions we use for our salon D’Aguiar: after joining the Inner Circle Program back in 2007 and it was a huge succuss. Our version was slightly different and at the top said ‘FREE $20 Voucher – No Strings Attached’  We then looped a piece of string through the flyer and hung it on peoples door knobs around our neighbourhood.  We consistently got 10 bookings from every 100 door flyers delivered and we had so many people saying they LOVED the out of the box marketing!

We still have dozens of clients that come to our salon today who originally came from this flyer. So when you think for the cost of a $20 service, we have made upwards of $4 – 5K from EACH of those clients since then, it’s a pretty good return on investment!

Here’s a link to find this template in the members only sealed section.

If you are a WSM Member and want to share a success story from another members only website ‘hidden gem’ then drop me an email and I’ll be sure to feature it in an up and coming article!

If you are NOT a WSM Member and are sick and tired of sitting in front of a computer screen trying to come up with designs and copy for flyers and ads, if technology bamboozles you, click here to watch the video and Request a FREE live demo of the My Social Salon program.

Build the Hype…Louise Gray of Louise Gray Skin Care in Auckland Did Just That!

Whenever putting together any marketing campaign it’s not just as simple as printing a few flyers or emailing a handful of clients and all of a sudden being bombarded with calls from them wanting to buy what your advertising – sure that would be nice but with the increasing competition out there all vying for your customers dollar or pound (not just from rival salons) then you have to think smart about how you are going to get your clients so excited and worked up about a package or product you are about to release, that they are already pre-disposed to buying it from you when it finally does go on offer. You have to build the hype in advance.

Michael Hill Was Creating A Buzz!

Last week I walked past a local jewelry shop and noticed a long queue of customers eagerly waiting outside.  There was a rope fence separating them from the entrance and a red velvet curtain blocking customers from seeing inside the store.  The customers were standing on tippy toes trying to see what was going on inside…they were REALLY excited!

The blackboard outside the store said…

‘TODAY ONLY – Make Me An offer on All Jewelry in Store’

They had created a buzz, excitement and mystery with their customers and passers by, and put a time limit on it to add to that – TODAY ONLY!  People are naturally inquisitive and if they see people flocking like sheep then they don’t want to feel left out…they want to be in the know too!

As salon owners we need to be creating this type of hype with our clients, planning and executing our marketing with thought and not just being impulsive or reactionary.  That’s how so many salons waste money – as they say ‘you fail to plan, you plan to fail.’

And planning is exactly what Louise Gray of Louise Gray Skin Care in Ponsonby, Auckland did in order to sell over $6000 of Christmas 2 for 1 vouchers.

Louise Gray and her Team in Auckland, NZ

In a coaching call early in November last year I talked through with Louise the importance of building hype especially when doing a promotion such as this or similarly memberships.  I helped her to construct a 3-step email campaign and planned what dates to send out the emails.

The initial email called for her clients to register to get early bird notification when these vouchers went on sale – just 15 minutes more notice than non-registered clients.  The email also limited the number of 2 for 1 vouchers going on sale to create urgency and get people to register.

Email 2 reminded her clients to register and also let them know how many had registered so far.  This increased the urgency as it showed the demand for the 2 for 1 vouchers was HOT!

The 3rd email was to pre registered clients announcing the vouchers where ON SALE NOW and created urgency for these clients to call and get their voucher before the email was sent out to all 2136 clients on her database 15 minutes later.

The sequence of emails created a buzz and subsequently sold $6000 worth of vouchers.  And of course that means there is going to be an influx of new clients in the salon over the next few months as the ‘free’ voucher had to be given to a new client and had an expiry of 3 months to get these people in the door fast!

And the best thing of all…email is FREE!

So next time you are planning any marketing campaign, think about how you are going to deliver that campaign to your target audience to get the best results.


NZ Salon Superstar, Hana Snowden of Ataahua Day Spa – 10 New Clients a Week and works on client’s when SHE wants to!

Every salon owner loves the thought of getting more new clients through their business.  It means an increase in turnover, profit, more product sales and so on.  But what it also means for a lot of salon owners is more time ‘on the tools’.  And that’s scary when you are already working 50 hours a week trying to run a business, make appointments, do the GST, pay the wages, do the marketing and everything else on top of that!

Hana Snowden, Owner of Ataahua Day Spa in Lower Hutt, NZ

But for WSM member Hana Snowden of Ataahua Day Spa in Lower Hutt near Wellington, getting 10 new clients a week means FREEDOM.

Hana has been in our marketing and mentoring program now for 8 months and in that time she has seen her business grow and grow.  Hana was a Beauty Therapist at the time of joining and has worked incredibly hard and taken lots of action to build her business.  She soon realised the value of working ‘on’ her business instead of ‘in it’ servicing just one client at a time.

For those of you who have read ‘the E-myth’ you will be familiar with the concept of working more on your business as opposed to in it.  For those who haven’t read it, it’s a MUST read so go out and get your hands on a copy asap!

Hana could spend an hour or 2 putting together her marketing campaigns that would bring her in lots of customers as well as thousands of dollars, instead of being in a treatment room making 50 bucks for a waxing appointment.

And this growth in turnover and customers allowed her the freedom to make the decision to pull herself ‘off the tools’ once and for all.  She set a date (15th March) and told all her customers that as of that date she was a business owner, not a beauty therapist and would be handing her clients over to an employee.

Now I am not saying that being a beauty therapist or stylist is a bad thing. Rather being the owner of your business is a better thing, instead of being an employee/slave to it!

And Hana knows that should a staff member be sick, or someone leaves and has to be replaced then she can step back in, albeit temporarily, and cover for them – she has that option available to her.

And if Hana has been getting 10 new clients a week up to now, imagine what it will be like now that she can focus even more on the marketing.

10 new clients on average a week is 520 new clients per year.  If each of those clients has a value to Hana of $1,000 each then she is looking at an increase in turnover of half a million this year alone.  Heck, even if she kept just 50% of them that’s still a quarter of a million!

Too many business owners (not just salon owners) make the mistake of creating a job for themselves and becoming chained to their businesses.  For many, the only way they feel they can make more money is to work more in the business so they can cover the bills.  But the business will just continue to suffer if no time is being spent on the important stuff, the marketing and getting systems in place.  And so the vicious cycle continues.

And I am talking from personal experience.  Just over 4 years ago my wife Rachael was working as a Beauty Therapist in our salon D’Aguiar: in Auckland.  She’d spend about 70 hours a week in there doing treatments, I would hardly ever see her, her hair was falling out due to stress and she was suffering severe RSI.

Just like Hana, we made the call (with the help at that time of Greg Milner) to pull Rachael off the tools, as nervous as we were that the clients would leave and the business would fail.  Well, of course the clients didn’t leave, the salon flourished and today we own 4 massively successful businesses (including the salon which is run by a manager and we pop in maybe once a week).

If someone had told me 4 years ago that I’d be running 4 businesses then I would have thought they were mad and laughed in their face.  But today, I understand the concept of working on the business, not in it.  So I still have plenty of time to spend with Rachael and our new 2 week old baby. It’s all because of  the world-famous Essential Salon Owner’s Marketing Toolkit®