Marketing Your Salon Business – How to Think Outside the Box; includes example
Marketing Your Salon Business – How to Think Outside the Box; includes example
Most owners of small businesses get that ‘can’t see the wood for the trees’ feeling from time to time. I’m no different, so I know that when you’re wearing the blinkers, it’s hard to recognize opportunities even when they hit you over the head.

Mark & Shelly Gibbs owned a struggling hair salon in Melbourne, Victoria….Inner Circle membership and the Toolkit not only gave them the tools to get their salon pumping, it gave them the confidence to look ‘outside the box’ and branch out into other money-making ventures – like motorbikes for junior clients to sit on!
Not so for Mark and Shelly Gibbs, Inner Circle Premium members of Shellmark Hair Shack in Kilsyth South, Victoria (Australia).
As Mark says,
“When we joined WSM 12 months ago, we were in deep s**t, I couldn’t pay the bills or the rent, and the computer was in ‘sleep’ mode most of the time.”
How things can so quickly change. A year on, Mark and Shelly have not just one, but THREE successful businesses – the salon itself, an associated business selling kids’ cutting chairs in the shape of mini-motorcycles (see downloadable pdf) and a car washing business!
“You saved our salon,” says Mark.
To merely accept Mark’s plaudits with gratitude would be telling only part of the story. What Mark fails to acknowledge is the fact that all we at WSM did was give him and Shelley the tools; they provided the motivation, drive, enthusiasm and persistence.
It’s worked, brilliantly; for example, when they put the motorbike ‘chair’ in the front of the shop, their takings for kids’ haircuts soared by 84%.

Mark & Shelly did a JV deal with their software supplier, in an editorial-style iinsert in a big trade magazine, promoting both the software AND their new kids’ chair business. Right click on the picture and ‘save as…’ to download the complete story in pdf format.
And check this out: Mark and Shelly bought some software to help run their salon more efficiently – and then did a Joint Venture deal with the software manufacturer to promote the software – and the kids’ hair chairs – via a special double-page spread in a major trade magazine.
That’s doing some serious ‘outside-the-square’ thinking. (Right-click on the pic and download the full magazine feature story.)