Free Salon Website Checklist – is your salon’s website bringing you a ton of new clients every month?

In the Melbourne suburb of Berwick, Leiza Cester’s Allura Hair Boutique gets more than 120 calls every month from prospective clients finding her in a Google search. In Hobart, Tasmania, Effie Tsopoulos’ Escape Beauty Lounge gets more than 150 calls every month from prospective new clients.

If YOU aren’t getting that kind of response from your website, watch this video…

Download the Salon Website Checklist here. 

Test Your Own Website for Errors here (it’s free.) 

Most salon websites have a series of crucial errors that make it hard for your prospective clients to interact with you. Take a look at your own website, both in a computer browser, and on your phone.

Imagine you’re looking at it from a customer’s point of view. (In other words, forget about the pretty stuff at the moment, and concentrate on function, not form.)

Let’s imagine your prospective new client is sitting on a bus, or on the couch, and they’re browsing the web, looking for a hair salon nearby. Typically, they’ll Google ‘Hair salon’ and the name of the suburb or locality they’re in.

If you’re Search Engine Optimization is working properly, they’ll find your website on the first page of search results.

If your Google My Business Listing is prominent – in the ‘Big Three’ at the top of the search results – she might do one of two things; click on the ‘click to call’ button if she’s on her phone, or click on the website link if she’s on a tablet or laptop.

Let’s say she goes through to your website on her phone or tablet. Is your phone number prominent at the top of the website? Is it ‘hot’ so she can simply touch it and it calls your salon?

If not, that’s a problem. Rule #1 – don’t make it hard for people to find your phone number!

Is your site ‘mobile responsive’?

In other words, when you look at it on your phone, do you get the mobile version of the site, or the full desktop version? If it’s the full desktop version, that’s a problem. Remember, 60% or more people do their initial searching on their phones.

If your salon’s website is almost impossible to read on a tiny phone screen, that’s a FAIL!

Google will eventually punish you for that, dropping your site down in the search rankings. So, Rule #2 – your site MUST be mobile responsive.

What about all the visitors to your site who almost call you…but don’t quite? Somehow, you need to capture their contact details so you can market to them later. One of the best ways to do this is to offer some kind of free gift – say, a $20 Gift Voucher – that they can download in exchange for their name and contact details.

Here’s an example on the home page of a site we manage, 

This salon get up to 15 new clients a week filling in that form.

See, they then phone their leads, and book them in. Easy, almost guaranteed way to get new clients.

So, if your website isn’t mobile responsive, and if you don’t have an easy way for people to find you – how on Earth are you meant to book in the new clients?

We discovered most websites have the same 7 – 13 crucial errors. After building hundreds – probably thousands – of websites, we found the consistent them as to why websites for salons aren’t work.

Heck, we even created a new tool for salons to see if their website is stopping them from finding new clients. So, you can run your website test here.

Test Your Own Website for Errors here (it’s free.)