Maria Haanpaa of Studio Highlight in Finland ‘doubled sales in three months’ with the marketing Toolkit
Recently our sole salon in Finland won a major prize at a salon competition in Paris. “How do we use that win to our advantage?” asked salon owner Maria Haanpaa.
I advised her on a couple of strategies, and didn’t hear from Maria for a couple of weeks. Last week, she emailed…
I have to thank you for your response about our world champ-marketing.
I called the local newspaper and they made a story of us and at the same newspaper we ran an ad (the Hollywood package) but it was called the ‘World Champs’ package.With that ad we’ve got 26 new customers at 79€. We’ve
taken all their information and also gave them 5 of the Queen of Referrals
and they are bringing more new customers to us.Since we started the Queen of Referrals (from the Toolkit) we’ve got about 50 new customers in a month! We’ve been doing that just 2 months now and I did a
competition on that. Whoever gets the most customers to us by the end of March will win a 1000€ gift certificate.I’m now using our World Championship ‘Silver Medalist’ message on everything I print and it seems that it works so well.
I have also built up Facebook pages and I update that every week because if it stays still it loses its value and people don’t go there to look anymore.
Anyway, thank you so much for everything, I wouldn’t be here without you guys! We’ve doubled our sales within only 3 months and I still want to double that within the next 6months….
Maria Haanpää
Studio Highlight, Kielotie 4-6
01300 Vantaa