There are some really crucial elements to any successful salon marketing ad or flyer, an attention grabbing headline, a strong offer, guarantee, use of scarcity and of course a call to action.
So when Lynette Adams of Glory Salon in Thames, Coromandel recently put together a Mothers Day campaign using a Worldwide Salon Marketing template, to run in her local paper using all the above marketing elements, she was excited about what results she would achieve.
But her excitement soon turned to anguish when the paper arrived in her letterbox only for her salon PHONE NUMBER to be missing of her ad. She checked the original and the phone number was there, but the paper had accidentally deleted it when converting the file to a PDF. The call to action was completely gone.
Now you’d expect the salon phone to be quiet as a mouse. Instead, what happened completely amazed and amused Lynette. Here’s what she emailed to me…
“I have sold 19 of the ‘out of order’ Mothers Day packages already!!! + when I saw the ad they had left off my contact details (somehow they had got deleted from bottom when converted to pdf) so they are going to run it again this week for free! Kinda cool that still got response from people without the number as they would have had to look it up.”
You see, what happened here was that the other parts of Lynette’s ad where so strong and enticing that people actually took the time to find her salon’s number in the phone book or on the net and call her to book. Her customers simply didn’t want to miss out on what was on offer. That’s pretty amazing and goes to show how incredibly effective and powerful the Worldwide Salon Marketing templates are, even when they are not used 100% right!!!
And there was one other thing that really made her ad stand out. She got the paper to print the ad upside down. Yes that’s right, upside down…except that bit was done on purpose.
Now I am not saying you should all leave your phone number off your ads from now on, but just imagine what would have happened if the phone number was on the ad!!! It will certainly be interesting to see how Lynette’s follow up ad goes with the phone number on it.
And Lynette went on to tell us how she had done in the last 12 months since joining Worldwide Salon Marketing…
“So happy just looked at figures up $4000 on last March!!! + I started WWSM end March last year so from 1 April to 31 March this year increased my turnover by 50% AMAZING!!! Sold $5000 more in vouchers as well =) Thanks so much for all your help really appreciate it! Lynette x”
Keep up the great work Lynette! And make sure the paper send you a proof next time!
If you want to achieve results like Lynette then call me now on ** *** **** (haha, just kiddin 09 476 1592) or email me – or if you prefer you can click here to fill out a contact form and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours.
Would you like to hold a hugely successful VIP night in your Salon?
Would you like to be part of one of the most unique Salon Events ever?
How would you like free media and publicity that you simply couldn’t pay for, let alone afford?
How would you like a salon FULL of happy customers and a till bursting with sales?
And how would you like ALL the marketing of this event designed and done-for-you?
It seems some salons are struggling to excite and attract new customers. In a world where most of your clients spend time on social media how do you ‘sell’ to them if all they want to do is be social? After long thought and brainstorming we realized that the trick is to get other people talking about you. LOTS of them! In this day and age PR (Public Relations) has just as much place in a small business as does traditional marketing.
So I came up with an idea…
The month of May just happens to be ‘NZ Music Month’ the time when we celebrate everything kiwi about music. So here’s my idea to get some good publicity for your salon.
You may or may not know that in my ‘other life’ outside of being director of Worldwide Salon Marketing I am a professional musician. I have played in excess of 1600 performances throughout NZ and have supported some NZ greats like Tim Finn (Crowded House), Dave Dobbyn, Anika Moa, Evermore and even had a single released on a NZ on Air Hit Disc with the likes of Neil Finn and the Top Twins!
But you don’t have to take my word for it, here’s what long time WSM member Lisa Van Dyk of Gloss Beauty Boutique in Matamata had to say… “What a great and fun idea to help salons get some positive publicity. Chris is a truly great performer, has an amazing voice and very talented on the guitar – in fact I got him to play at one of my events in the past, the crowd just loved him. When he told me about the salon tour I immediately said, book me in!!!”
So, in May I will embark on what some may call the MOST unique music tour ever!
And I’d like your salon to be part of that. A venue, no less!
The uniqueness of such an event – a ‘Salon Tour’ with a musician turned mentor and actress turned staff coach (yes, Rachael has another life too…) would in itself draw media attention. And the local/national media are screaming out for stories like this!
The event will be run as a VIP night (or day) in your salon and here’s what you will get:
45 min – 1hr acoustic set from Chris Sanders. The music will be a mixture or NZ classic songs and some of my own originals (non invasive easy listening music).
Your choice of 45 minute makeup demo, 30 minute hair-up demo or 30 minute ‘Advances in Anti-aging’ presentation from re-knowned industry guru Rachael D’Aguiar (If you stock a makeup range then Rachael can use this range and help you make sales).
We will also assist to MC the night.
To book or find out more details simply call us NOW on 0800 029 668 or email
You’ll get designed and written for you VIP night invites, tickets, mailer campaigns, posters, email campaigns, PR and media releases to local and national media and potentially (we hope) radio/TV interviews. What’s more we will create a video diary/documentary to be released after the tour and give your salon even more coverage!
And we will help you develop packages that you can sell on the night to make lots of money too!!!
If you are interested in being involved with the most unique tour ever then there are 2 package options available:
Package 1:
Includes performance from Chris Sanders, your choice of demo from Rachael D’Aguiar and assistance with MC at the event.
Investment: Base fee of $450 + gst
Ticket Fee: $30 per person ($15 to Us, $15 to your salon).
Package 2:
Includes performance from Chris Sanders and assistance with MC at the event.
Investment: Base fee of $300 + gst
Ticket Fee: $30 per person ($15 to Us, $15 to your salon).
To book or find out more details simply call us NOW on 0800 029 668 or email
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to not only get some publicity for your salon, but also to make some money through sales of packages and products at the VIP event, get some help from industry experts AND let your hair down a bit too!
AND AS A SPECIAL BONUS you will get a 1 hour one-on-one training session the next day from either myself or Rachael (marketing or staff coaching, your choice) to help you maximise the success from your event.
If you are interested then get back to us quickly to discuss dates. We have already booked in some dates with salons so would hate for you to miss out – we are only offering maximum 15 dates throughout May.
Here is a Calendar of when we will be in your area and what is still available.
May 1: Auckland (Opening Night Venue TBC)
May 2: Gloss Beauty Boutique, Matamata (BOOKED)
May 3-4: Tauranga & Bay of Plenty (Still available)
May 8-11: Central North Island, Hawkes Bay & Taranaki (Still available)
May 15-18: Wellington & Nelson (Still available)
May 22-25: Christchurch, Dunedin and Otago (Still available)
May 28-29: Auckland (Still available)
May 30: Xpertise Hairdressers, Kaikohe (BOOKED)
May 31: Body Divine, Kerikeri (Closing Night BOOKED!)
To book or find out more details simply call us NOW on 0800 029 668 or email
Looking forward to holding a a hugely successful VIP night in your salon soon!
Its fair to say that many people, especially in the beauty industry, will have either heard of, or know, Margaret Walsh.
She’s the kind of salon owner with a very successful business that many of us aspire to and wish our salon could be ‘just like Marg’s.
She’ll probably kill me for saying this, but she’s been around a wee while and has helped many a budding young therapist and hair stylist to fulfill their dreams.
Last week I caught up with Marg and I saw first hand just how she supports her team, above and beyond what most people would see as ‘the call of duty’.
She had her staff gathered at her house for a team meeting and brought in a financial planning expert to help give advice to her team on how to manage their finances better. I made me think, if I were a therapist or stylist, I’d want Marg to be my boss!
And while Marg is busy concentrating on creating a 5 Star team and industry leaders of the future, as well as a highly successful hair and beauty salon in the Auckland suburb of Titirangi, she takes a lot of comfort in knowing that her salon marketing both online and offline is taken care off for her.
Margaret, who has been with Worldwide Salon Marketing for almost 3 years now, is a forward thinking salon owner who likes to stay a few steps ahead of her competitors. If something becomes available that Margaret sees as a good opportunity to market her business, she jumps at it!
Through Worldwide Salon Marketing, Margaret has access to some of the best marketing tools available to salons anywhere in the world, from done-for-you ads and templates (so she never has to stare at a blank computer screen wondering what to write), mentoring and support to help her plan her marketing in advance, websites and SEO so she completely dominates in Google searches in her area and an iPhone and Android app to keep those mobile savvy customers connected with her business.
Check out this video to hear what Margaret has to say about her experiences with Worldwide Salon Marketing, and some advice to salon owners looking to be the BEST in their town!
If watching this video has made you think ‘I could do with some support like that’ give us a call (numbers at the top of this page) or click here to apply to join our My Social Salon program and we can help you become the best salon in your town…guaranteed! Just like Marg!
It is with great excitement and pleasure that I announce Worldwide Salon Marketing NZ will be a principle sponsor of the NZ Beauty Awards on July 6 and more specifically of the newly created ‘Marketing Excellence’ Award. The Awards will be held at the Pullman Hotel & Resort, Auckland.
We believe that this new marketing award is a great addition to the current set of awards and brings focus to the importance of the business and marketing aspect in our industry, which is just as important as the service and technical side.
We love to support our industry and we very much view the Beauty Industry (both hair & beauty) as the ‘People’s Industry’. Helping our salons become stronger, in turn makes our communities become stronger – after-all, a salon is a place where people go to feel better about themselves and become part of a community.
The Marketing Excellence Award will be judged by an independent panel and is open to every Clinic, Spa, Day Spa, Resort Spa, Medi Spa and Salon in New Zealand (regardless of size, location or the number of staff) operating for two years or more with a fully qualified professional Therapist/s.
The winner of the Marketing Excellence Award will win a marketing package with a value of over $5,500 – more details to be announced in the next few weeks!
Worldwide Salon Marketing NZ will also be at the NZ Beauty Expo & Business Summit, being held the same weekend as the awards. We’d love to see you there!
If you have ever thought that marketing won’t work for your salon because you are in a small town then you should watch this video.
In this short clip, Suzy Poole owner of Body Divine in Kerikeri shares how she has taken her salon from a pretty dire state of affairs to a busy, profitable business in under a year, with big plans for expansion.
I was visiting Kerikeri for a couple of days this week and decided to pop in for a cuppa with Suzy and check out her salon. And I was really impressed with what I saw.
Suzy has created her own economy, while others around her continue to struggle on. In fact, Suzy’s business is growing so fast that she is in the process of expanding her existing salon and building a hair salon out the back.
What stood out the most on my visit to Suzy’s salon was the energy that she puts in to marketing her business, it’s clear that she has a great attitude, is incredibly passionate about it and a real ‘massive action’ taker.
And while I was in the salon clients were walking in and asking to buy one of her mini memberships that she had just released that morning. And as you’ll hear in the video, one customer even left a cheque in her mailbox with strict instructions so she didn’t miss out on one of only 10 memberships released!
Check out the video here….
For those of you who are not familiar with Kerikeri it’s a fairly small town in the Bay of Islands, population a few thousand.
Thanks for the grand tour of the salon Suzy and keep up the excellent wor
Most of us have had that horrible experience with a Yellow Pages or advertising sales rep in the past where they think they know best as to how your ad should look, we’ve gone with what they’ve said thinking that they are the experts, only to be left with an incredibly ineffective advert that looks ‘pretty’ but generates no phone calls and a large invoice!
Chloe Wilson of Unique Beauty, Timaru NZ
Well for Chloe Wilson of Unique Beauty in Timaru, New Zealand the days of trusting ad reps are long gone! She now trusts in one thing…her own opinion of how an effective advert should be constructed.
Since then she has been going guns blazing and has in fact tripled her salons turnover since joining Worldwide Salon Marketing around 8 months ago.
Here is what Chloe had to say….
“When I opened up my beauty salon in April 2011, it was very slow at the start, I spent over 6,000 on advertising that wasn’t working, in August I found WSM on the internet and started up with a 1500 leaflet drop to the surrounding area to the salon. I had 15 people book in from it and more from there just it just flowed.
After having a few phone calls with Toni, I let her know how scared I was about putting this advert in the yellow pages – she reassured me it would work, so I stuck with it. The advert cost me $2000 and doesn’t just look like an expensive business card anymore.
When the YP came out in October I had 3 phone calls on the day of it coming out and about 20 the next week following. I still get phone calls every week for the deal in advert and just people getting other treatments.
Since November I’ve only had 3 quiet weeks and I’ve had fully booked weeks, working 3 late nights a week and I’ve tripled my income a week from $500 a week to 2,000-3,000 weekly. I have also 10 weddings this year as well which has brought me more people to the salon and 3 booked in for the end of the year (friends from brides has make-up done with me).”
For Inner Circle Members I have made the actual Yellow Pages ad used by Chloe available on the members website for you to see.
Thanks for sharing your success with us Chloe. I’m sure you’ll have inspired many salon owners to give their ad rep a good old kick in the backside the next time they try and tell them they know best!
Keep up the great work!
Chris Sanders, Director Worldwide Salon Marketing NZ
Isn’t it time you started making some real money in your salon and doing marketing that actually gets results just like Chloe got? If you are ready to take the next step in your business then click here NOW to find out more!