Podcast #15: How to Advertise on Facebook – Part 1.

Does Facebook’s advertising platform do your head in??

Trying to get your salon advertising set up on Facebook so it reaches the right people, at the right time, with the right offer can be a nightmare. So we asked our Social Media advertising guru Samantha Buckley to do a video showing exactly how to do it properly.

This video is Part 1 of a 3-part series. In Part 1, Sam explains how to ‘boost’ a post efficiently, so it ONLY reaches the people who meet certain qualifying attributes. No point wasting a brazilian waxing offer on 75-year-old grandfathers, right?

Show Notes:

  1. The first step – what’s your Most Wanted Response?
  2. Choosing an existing post
  3. How to choose a desired audience for that post
  4. Setting your advertising budget and timeline


Podcast #14 – How Nicole built her salon from scratch – and became the biggest and best in town. 

In the little country town of Sale, Victoria (pop. 13,000), Nicole Bertrand was just 21 and “knew nothing about business or marketing” when she opened her beauty business in the back of a hair salon.

Ten years later, she’s the mother of two little kids and owns the biggest and most successful salon business in town.

“I like spending money,” says Nicole, “so I had to work out ways to bring it in, faster and more of it!”

In today’s Rich Salon Owner podcast, listen in as Nicole describes how she does it, while juggling motherhood, staff issues and a dozen other challenges every other salon owner faces. 

Podcast #13 – Marketing your Salon Online – Simple Tips from a Veteran Online Marketer

For many in the hair & beauty industry – or ANY small business for that matter – marketing yourself online can seem like an insurmountable challenge.

Social media, websites, advertising, videos, Google – it’s a nightmare of complexity. So much so that many just throw their hands in the air and give up.

But it doesn’t have to be. George Slater, former Director of Online at Worldwide Salon Marketing, is a master at simplifying what appear to be incredibly complex things. In today’s Rich Salon Owner podcast, George boils down the essence of online marketing to ONE thing.

If you’ve ever felt completely overwhelmed by the sheer size of the challenge, this is GOLD.

Free Resources: 

Get a FREE audit and analysis of your salon or small business website and online ‘presence’ – and find out how you can get more customers FASTER via social media, search engines and your website.

Go to http://worldwidesalonmarketing.com/

Podcast: with Jason Marrs, author of “No B.S. Pricing Strategy” – the ‘sales thinking’ behind putting prices on your products and services.

For most business owners, pricing the products and services of the business is pretty much a Pin the Tail on the Donkey exercise – looking around at what everybody else is doing, and doing much the same. But in today’s podcast, author of “No BS Pricing Strategy”, Jason Marrs reveals why it’s the least effective method of pricing. There are MUCH more efficient and profitable ways to attach sticker prices;

Listen in – and take NOTES! If you don’t take away a few “AHA” moments from this podcast, better check your hearing:-)


Rich Salon Owner Podcast #11: How to Get Dozens New Clients a Month from Your Website

You’d love to have your website send you a constant stream of new prospective clients, wouldn’t you? In today’s RSO Podcast, I’m talking with Maya Spa owner Rebecca Voller about how her website sends her so many new prospective clients each month, it’s a struggle to manage the incoming inquiries. But it’s a nice problem to have, and it’s one ANY salon or spa owner can achieve, with a simple ‘tweak’ that most website owners don’t know about.

In this Podcast you’ll discover:

  • The ONLY three worthwhile attributes of any salon or spa website
  • How to make sure visitors either call you or opt-in
  • What to do when somebody fills in a form on your site
  • What restrictions to put on your Gift Vouchers


Is your website sending you new customers every day? Get a FREE analysis here. 

FREE ‘How-To’ Marketing Video Course here.

Podcast: Renting Chairs/Rooms or Hiring Staff? An expert’s views.

We get a lot of inquiries and questions from salon & spa owners about whether they should hire staff, or rent out their rooms/chairs to independent stylists and therapists.

There are pros and cons for both approaches, but as I wrote in this post a couple of weeks back, you either do one, or the other, but not both. That’s a recipe for disaster.

In today’s Rich Salon Owner podcast, listen in as I discuss the issues with a genuine expert in the field of staffing and recruitment, National Salon & Spa Recruitment founder and CEO Sheryl Gardner.

Show Notes: 

  • The downsides of renting – for both owners and renters!
  • Being in Control, or being a Landlord – it’s your choice.
  • Why it’s hard to find chair or room renters.
  • The big mistakes salon owners make when hiring staff.
  • Why it’s messy to combine employed staff with renters.

More Resources:

Recruitment: http://www.nationalsalonandsparecruitment.com.au

Free Business & Marketing Coaching: http://worldwidesalonmarketing.com/wsm-free-coaching-call/

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