Hair Salon Website Template Free: NZ Salon Superstar of the Week – Bedelia Shepherd of Nelson Beauty Therapy DOUBLES her salon’s turnover just one month after joining the Inner Circle Program!


Hair Salon Website Template Free: NZ Salon Superstar of the Week – Bedelia Shepherd of Nelson Beauty Therapy DOUBLES her salon’s turnover just one month after joining the Inner Circle Program!


“Thank you for your support leading up to Christmas, we have been blown away with our results. We have more than doubled our last Dec turnover and the vouchers sales bought in just under $18000.”

It’s amazing the amount of times I hear salons owners say “my accountant has advised me not to join the Inner Circle program because my business can’t afford it”.  I find it so utterly bemusing that any person would tell you to not invest in the ONE THING that is going to make you money….marketing!


Bedelia Shepherd of Nelson Beauty Therapy

And that is exactly what happened to Bedelia Shepherd of Nelson Beauty Therapy in Nelson 18 months ago when she was looking to join the Inner Circle program.  As it happened, she only joined in December 2009 and has already doubled her monthly turnover since then.  If only she hadn’t listened to that business adviser’s bad advice 18 months ago, she would be in a completely different place now with her business.   Here is what Bedelia has to say…..

WOW … I’m so excited with the results we are achieving.  Since I joined the Inner Circle program a month ago, we have doubled our turnover in that short period of time. The girls in the salon are right behind everything we are doing with our marketing and in- salon promotions. Our customers are excited and can feel the positive energy.

There is a lesson in this for me I’d love to share with you! 18 months ago I spoke to Greg and wanted to join WSM but allowed myself to be talked out of it by very well meaning business advisers! Their reasons being ‘my business couldn’t afford it’….!!I Needless to say I don’t use their services anymore!

My advice if I can be so bold is ……..your business can’t afford not to belong to WSM.

I’m very thankful and extremely grateful to both Greg and Chris for their support, and this is only such early days, but the simple saying of “surround yourself with positive people with successful business practices and your half way there” is certainly true in my case.

In the first week of January we have done the entire retail sales of last January and exactly half of the beauty sales for the whole month! We haven’t even implemented all the marketing we set out to do just yet! Now things have settled down a bit I can breathe and spend time on planning.

Really looking forward to this exciting year and seeing what I can achieve.”



Hair Salon WordPress Template: The Beauty Business that Grew 63% in 2009

Husband-and-wife team Tim & Kanna Reilly's Body Solutions Laser & Skin in Scottsdale, Arizona, grew 63% in 2009 - after a massive 500% increase in 2008 - thanks to the marketing and 'sales thinking' tools in the Inner Circle marketing & mentoring program...

Husband-and-wife team Tim & Kanna Reilly’s Body Solutions Laser & Skin in Scottsdale, Arizona, grew 63% in 2009 – after a massive 500% increase in 2008 – thanks to the marketing and ‘sales thinking’ tools in the Inner Circle marketing & mentoring program…

Hair Salon WordPress Template: The Beauty Business that Grew 63% in 2009


Economically speaking, was 2009 the worst year since the great depression or was it a year of salon business growth and prosperity?

Well, it depends on who you ask.  For us it was a great year, better than 2008 in fact.  For many small business owners in our industry it was a year filled with financial stress and for a large number of salon owners – complete financial meltdown.

Thanks to the tools and strategies that we learned from the Worldwide Salon Marketing Inner Circle program we were able to turn our failing medspa into a highly successful and profitable business.  For us, 2008 was a great year; we grew more than 500% over 2007.

At the end of 2008 we sat down to establish our goals for 2009.  Could we possibly expect to have a better year in 2009 than 2008?  Expect may not be the right word, but we certainly planned on having a better year.

Planning may certainly be the key.  An old college professor of mine used to love saying, “Plan your work and work your plan, if you fail to plan you can plan to fail.”  Those words have meant more to me now as a business owner than they did as a student.

It’s all about planning.  Success doesn’t come knocking – looking for you.  It won’t break down your door and insist on coming in.  You have to go after it; hunt it down and claim it for yourself.

Plan your marketing for an entire year.  Inner Circle members should have received a big full page calendar for 2010.

This allows you to look at the whole year in one glance.  Commit to marketing consistently every week.  You might not know exactly what your marketing offer will be on April 5th yet, but just know that on April 5th you WILL have something ready to go.  That kind of marketing commitment done on a regular basis will create momentum, and momentum, like a wave, will pick you up and carry you towards your goal.
Thinking about marketing without taking any action steps to put those ideas in motion is a waste of time.

You must act on your ideas and then track your response.  If the response was good, then do it again.  If your response was bad, you need some new ideas. What, you don’t have a ton of fresh new ideas just waiting to burst forth from your brain??

Hmmm…reminds me of a high school English teacher I had.  He used to say, “Smart people learn from a dumb person’s mistakes, but wise people learn from a smart person’s mistakes!”  So be wise, don’t be smart.  Use tools, strategies and ideas that have already been proven to work.  Don’t try to reinvent the wheel.  You can grow your business in record time IF you have the right tools and IF you take action to implement those tools.

We did and that’s why our 2009 was 63% higher than 2008; it was our best year yet!! You’ll have to excuse me now, I have to go set our 2010 business goals!

Hair Salon Template Superstar of the Week – Ann Marie Ryan of Hair Fx, Tipperary, Ireland

Ann Marie Ryan of Hair Fx in Tipperary, Ireland - 20% increase in sales within weeks of signing up as an Inner Circle member

Ann Marie Ryan of Hair Fx in Tipperary, Ireland – 20% increase in sales within weeks of signing up as an Inner Circle member

Hair Salon Template Superstar of the Week – Ann Marie Ryan of Hair Fx, Tipperary, Ireland


Superstar of the Week – Ann Marie Ryan of Hair Fx, Tipperary, Ireland

It’s amusing when we get questions from salon owners like ‘will this work in Boisie, Idaho/Dorset, UK/Invercargill, NZ?’

Huh? Well, I guess if people in those places don’t buy things/eat/wash their hair/live in houses/drive cars….maybe marketing a salon business ‘my’ way’ wouldn’t work.  I know nothing about Tipperary, Ireland, but presumably it is populated by people who respond to my kind of salon & spa marketing. At least, that’s what Ann Marie Ryan has discovered:

“Hi Greg,
This is Ann Marie Ryan in Tipperary Town,I joined the Inner Circle program and got the kit from you in July, prior to getting the kit I had been sending a new client letter, but only one, I never followed it up with any more.
And, like hundreds of other IC members around the world, Ann Marie’s response from her direct mail has improved dramatically. Here’s what’s instructive: never, ever waste your money on one-shot mail. It doesn’t even nick ’em on the way by. If you want impact and response, you must have repetition. And if you ‘can’t be bothered’ with multi-step mailing, you deserve your lack of success.
Sporadically I had sent letters to clients that had not been in the salon for some months, but I was never very confident about doing this. Since September I have got a bit braver in my marketing through your constant contact via email & the website.
I started a newsletter, November was my 3rd issue. I am getting a great response to this.
(Note for Members: there are several templates for simple single-sheet, double-sided newsletters in the Members Only ‘sealed section’ – just navigate to “Marketing to Existing Clients” and you’ll find them in there.)
For Christmas I am running with (a campaign I found in the Members Only ‘sealed section’) I did in May for Mothers Day, but didn’t know then how to promote it properly at that time.
My sales for September & October have seen an increase of 20% on the same months last year. November so far is 11% up on last year but we have also had different people on holidays totaling 3 weeks plus 2 members of staff out sick over the course of the last 4 weeks. One girl is on crutches & the other hurt her back, ‘I used to think hairdressing was a safe profession’.
I now have the guts to go ahead with the ideas and templates you guys are constantly sending my way. Here’s to a great Christmas for all:-)
‘Go n’eiri an bothar leat’ (may the road rise with you)
Ann Marie
Hearty congratulations to Ann Marie. Until the Global Financial Crisis, Ireland was one of the ‘tiger’ economies of Europe, and then sank into one of the worst recessions anywhere in the world. But, like other Members, Ann Marie discovered that with the right marketing tools, salons and spas can create their own economies, virtually independent of the wider economy. Best wishes to all our Members in the UK and Ireland.

Beauty Salon Joomla Template Marketing Superstars – Inner Circle member of the Week, Cathy Davys

Cathy Davys of Cathy Davys Hair Design & Day Spa, Wellington NZ - detailed results from special promotions

Cathy Davys of Cathy Davys Hair Design & Day Spa, Wellington NZ – detailed results from special promotions

Beauty Salon Joomla Template Marketing Superstars – Inner Circle member of the Week, Cathy Davys


How Just 3 Promotions Brought in an EXTRA $15,047 in August

IC member and Toolkit owner Cathy Davys is a believer in simultaneous, sustained action for bigger sales and more clients, and she’s certainly delivering those results, from what she tells us in an email today.

Cathy drove three separate marketing campaigns in August costing a total of $1,892 for a total return of over $15,000 – that’s a Return on Investment of nearly 8 to 1.

“We ran an Unlimited Foils deal – with a poster in the window an ad in the Capital Times – the price was $139 and we sold forty seven packages for a total return of $6,533.

“We also sent out a ‘Best Massage in Town’ offer by email to 608 clients who’d had massages here previously, and sold 66 of those @ $99…for a total of $6,534.

“Plus we pulled in another $1,980 with an ad for a Winter Retreat package for $99, selling 20 of those. So all in all, a pretty good month, $15,047 in extra sales over and above normal trading.

A HUGE thank you to WSM – we are up for an industry award for top marketing salon, will know on Sunday at an awards presentation.

I joined Worldwide Salon Marketing 2 years ago, I love marketing and seeing results.

Since joining we have used theToolkit, New client letters, Raise the Dead letters,  Queen of Referrals, Gave away $120 worth of $10 vouchers for the opening of our NEW Salon March 2008. We do a pre-pay which we call the Platinum club and the Platinum Plus. We were doing this before, and of course the Hollywood woman (series of flyers), for both hair and beauty.


Cathy and her team at their Wellington (NZ) salon

Cathy and her team at their Wellington (NZ) salon

We have two salons of which I have just franchised one. They are both Hair and Beauty which is our point of difference. I love women to feel pampered and relaxed in a fun environment and we do a lot of cross marketing and up selling between the two.

In the flag ship store we have a team of 20. I have always loved Marketing but with the Toolkit and a large team to keep motivated and busy, the Toolkit simplifies the process and when you follow it to the letter it always works.

Setting up the computer so you can track the returns is very important as is knowing and watching the cost of the marketing. The monthly CDs get played in the car and all the Member newsletters are in a folder and used at team meetings. This endorses the promotions and stops any negativity from tam members, this occasionally used to happen but doesn’t now as the team see the positive outcome of packaging services up. All it is, is doing what we already do but with added value.

I love having WSM as it saves time and is extremely cost effective.”

Salon Marketing Tips: “I took an extra $9,500 in the next 72 hours!”

 Salon Marketing Tips: “I took an extra $9,500 in the next 72 hours!”

Yes, the tortoise WILL get there...eventually. But you don't have to do it at a crawl.

Yes, the tortoise WILL get there…eventually. But you don’t have to do it at a crawl.

Being part of the Inner Circle program and using the tools and strategies in the Toolkit is NOT a ‘get rich quick’ scheme. It does take work.

But there’s nothing inherently good about ‘getting rich slow’ either.

It’s always a mystery to me how it is that despite having exactly the same tools and support, the speed at which some Members implement those tools and strategies – and therefore the speed at which they reap the rewards – varies so greatly. Some leave the Toolkit sitting on their shelf, or tucked away under the reception desk, for months before actually bringing it out and using it. (One member recently told me that it was a full year before she actually got off her backside and put the ads, flyers and letters to work…lo and behond, in the next 12 months she increased her salon’s takings by a full $109,000 over the previous 12 months!)

But others do it at warp speed. Just last week, salon owner Lidija Siskopoulos of Enigma for Hair (right here in my home town) was so excited about getting into the Inner Circle program she refused to wait till the courier delivered her Toolkit, she jumped in her car and drove to our office to collect it herself.

This week she told me

“I took an extra $9,500 in the next 72 hours!”

Lidija is clearly one who understands that success is about Massive Action.

In other words, that massive action paid for Lidija’s entire first year Membership of the Inner Circle program in a single swoop.Now, to dismiss Lidija’s story as a flash-in-the-pan, as something out of the ordinary and quite unachievable for the average salon owner is akin to insisting that the earth is flat, and that she must somehow have gotten ‘lucky’. Success is all about taking action… not just in one area, doing ONE thing, sending out a single flyer or placing a single ad, but doing many things, all at once, rapidly. And luck has nothing to do with it. It’s simply planning meets opportunity.
As you’ll see and hear in this video, recorded at our recent Inner Circle Members Only Closed Door Mastermind session after our Road to Riches seminar in Sydney last week, those salon & spa owners who combine action with the right tools (eg the Toolkit) get a disproportionately-large result compared with merely putting the same amount of effort into just ‘doing the thing’ eg cutting more hair or applying more facials.